True Fasting & The Reward
Isaiah 58 reminds us that, not eating comes with its reward but the kind of fasting God, YHWH really want are these:
If you have a fellow human in what we now call modern-day slavery in any way or subjected to abuse in any form? then REPENT this day and do the right thing. Share food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor.
Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear.
If we give food to the hungry and satisfy those who are in need, then the darkness around us will turn to the brightness of noon. And God will always guide and satisfy us with good things. HE will keep us strong and well. We shall be like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring of water that never goes dry.
As you fast and pray on this first day, find someone that needs the little you have and help.
May our FAITH bear fruit worthy of REPENTANCE.
Christian vs believer
There are many Christians yet they are very few believers.
People who do not take care of their relatives, and especially their own families, have given up their FAITH in GOD. Such people are worse than unbelievers [1 Timothy 5:8]
As you fast and pray on this second day, look around in your own family, someone needs the little you have and help [Matthew 25:31-46].
May our FAITH bear fruit worthy of REPENTANCE.
It is well
A Call To Repentance
There are many things from this generation that have become more important to us than God. That is why many lives are in shackles of great mess; disappointments, no marriage, divorce, barrenness, poverty, failure, setbacks, and backwardness.
As we fast and pray on this last day, let us check our hearts, the spirit and identify all our bad habits, bad addictions, uncleanness, unholiness and sins we want to ‘give up’ this year 2023.
Now say, ‘Oh FATHER, do not banish [insert your name] from your presence; do not take your Holy Spirit away from [insert your name] in Christ Jesus name
May our FAITH bear fruit worthy of REPENTANCE.
Now, read the whole chapter of Psalms 51 for meditation, sanctification, and justification.