“When we work, we work, when we fast & pray God works”. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of realities not seen [Hebrews 11:1 TLV].
There is no recommended way to fast. We must fast with *FAITH* led by the Holy Spirit [Ruach HaKodesh] That’s when we get Gods attention. We waste our time fasting if our heart is not “in check with REPENTANCE” combined with SANCTIFICATION first.
Once this is accomplished, the Holy Spirit will then lead us to now decide on how to fast, how long to fast, when to fast and most importantly why to fast [Ephesians 4:30].
YHWH will do an incredible work in your life and you will know HIM in a deeper way.
What is it that you are believing for in these 7 days?
Prepare your ‘Heart’, ‘your spirit’ and may your faith bear fruit worthy of Repentance!
To increase your FAITH to Believe CHRIST JESUS, Yahusha, is LORD!
Visit – https://invisiblewar.army/testimonies/ for an encounter out of many!
”Your stomach is an Idol, if you don’t remember the last time, you fasted and prayed to YHWH”- Raphael Rabbi
‘7 Days Fasting & Prayer’ with Raphael Rabbi
Day 1
Confessions | Prayer for Forgiveness
Confess your sins to YHWH one by one and ask for forgiveness throughout Day 1 of Fasting & Prayer in your heart, that’s your spirit.
There are many things from this generation that has become more important to us than God. That’s why many lives are in shackles of great mess; disappointments, no marriage, divorce, barrenness, poverty, failure, setbacks and backwardness.
We idolize our identity, money/material things, Job/status, physical appearance, sex & sexual immorality- pornography/masturbation, entertainment, mobile phones, science & technology -internet, comfort, family/children, influence/fame and many more.
Perhaps is unforgiveness, murder/abortions, addictions, pride, jealousy, hatred, gossiping, telling lies and so forth…
We know our sins ourselves…
Prayer -Psalms 51:9-12
Almighty GOD, YHWH the creator of heaven and earth;
Close your eyes to [insert your name] sins and wipe out all my evil.
Write down ALL your sins one by one to God
Now, make a covenant to REPENT and stay away from ALL these sins
Create a pure heart in [insert your name], O God, and put a new and loyal spirit in [insert your name].
Do not banish [insert your name] from your presence; do not take your Holy Spirit away from [insert your name].
Give [insert your name] again the joy that comes from your salvation, and make [insert your name] willing to obey you.
Amen Amen Amen
May your FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
It is well
Day 2
Thanksgiving | Thank God for Grace, Mercy & Peace
It is by grace that we have been saved! This is something that we ought to be thankful for. It wasn’t our works, our behaviour, our resume or good looks that got us saved
Grace, Mercy and Peace are not feelings; they are a Person, and that Person is Christ Jesus, Yahusha [2 John 1:3].
Today let’s be thankful for Christ Jesus, and as we draw near to Him, to fill us with Grace, Mercy and Peace.
Reflect throughout this second day of fasting and prayer; what God has done for you all these years;
Write these down as far as you can remember; and as you meditate, give thanks to Christ Jesus for being there for you, when there was no way!
Singing praises and joyful melodies in your heart [spirit]; listening to praise and worship songs throughout this day of fasting.
Prayer [Psalms 23:6]
O God, [insert your name] thank You today for Your Grace, Mercy and Peace. [insert your name] don’t deserve it, it’s all because of Your incredible love for [insert your name]. [insert your name] is grateful that You died on the cross, rose again and sent Your Holy Spirit [Ruach HaKodesh] to make a home in the heart of [insert your name]. Surely Goodness and Mercy will follow [insert your name] all the days of [insert your name] life, and [insert your name] will dwell in the House of YHWH forever and ever.
Amen Amen Amen.
May our FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
It is well
Day 3
Tame my Tongue & Transform my mind
The power of life and death is in the tongue [Proverbs 18:21]
In other words our WORDS shape our WORLD. What we declare, agree with or speak out is what can come to pass.
Our prayer today is that we would continue to speak life over every situation no matter what!
Romans 12:2 says that, transformation begins with changing the way we think. How powerful!
When we are in God’s presence, in God’s word and with God’s people our minds and hearts start to change and we continue to be more and more like Christ Jesus, Yahusha.
Prayer [Ephesians 4:29]
O God, continue to shape and change [Insert your name] thinking. Help [Insert your name] not to dwell on current situation, but to focus on YOU in all seasons of life. YHWH, my Father, help control the tongue of [Insert your name]. Help [Insert your name] to speak life and agree with Your WORD, not what [Insert your name] feels, or what [Insert your name] sees. Let no harmful word come out of [Insert your name] mouth, but only what is beneficial for building others up according to the need, so that it gives grace to those who hear it.
Now, begin to reverse any negative thoughts and things you’ve said with the positive; about your circumstances in Christ Jesus name; Write these down as you meditate throughout this third day of fasting and prayer.
May your FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
It is well
Day 4
Prayers | Healthy, Happy Marriage | Flee from Sexual immorality | Singles
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favour from the Lord [Proverbs 18:22].
Now, 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
Hebrews 13:4 goes on to say, Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for *God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. *
The description of the woman made from the man’s “rib” has led to the mistaken conclusion that women are inferior to men because they originate from one small part of the male anatomy. Yet the Hebrew word צלע [tsela] does not mean “rib,” but rather “side.” According to Exodus, for example, God told Moses to make four gold rings for the Ark of the Covenant, “two rings on one side [צלע; tsela] of it, and two rings on the other side of it” [Exodus 25:12]. Likewise, when God takes one tsela from the man to make the woman, Eve comes from an entire side of Adam’s body, not a single rib.
Adam’s own words clarify that Eve comes from one of his sides when he declares of his wife, “Finally, this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh!” [Genesis 2:23]. Had Eve been created from the man’s rib alone, Adam would only have been able to say that she was “bone of his bone.” As Adam’s bone and flesh, the woman is the man’s “other half.” When man and woman cleave to one another and return to being “one flesh” [Genesis 2:24], the two equal halves of humanity are brought back together.
A happy marriage is the great foundation in which Ministry and Life flow from.
As you continue to put Christ Jesus in the centre of your marriage, be encouraged to make a healthy happy marriage a priority.
We should endeavour to understand one another, be compassionate, show kindness, tolerate weaknesses and forgive as we have been forgiven.
Prayer for Married Couples [Mark 10:9]
[Insert your names] come to thank and praise you God YHWH for Your love, grace and guidance through the years of our marriage.
[Insert your names] reaffirm, our love and faithfulness to each other and dedicate ourselves to deepen our relationship during the years to come. [Insert your names] pray that God will be with us in the future as he has been in the past. [Insert your names] also pray that we will each grow closer to Christ Jesus, so that we will become more intimate with HIM.[Insert your names] do believe what therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.
Prayer | flee from sexual immorality | want to get married | Singles [Psalm 119:10, 15, 37, 133]
Oh God YHWH, if you have called [insert name] to marry, help [insert name] to be betrothed to the one you have chosen; [insert name] don’t want to be part of the sexual immoral’s of this world dating.
Show [insert name] more of Yourself and shape the life of [insert name] to reveal your glory. With all [insert name] heart will serve you; keep [insert name] from disobeying your commandments. . .. [insert name] will meditate on your commandments and fix thy eyes on your ways. . .Keep [insert name] eyes from looking at worthless things; and give [insert name] life as you have promised. . . Keep [insert name] from falling into sin according to your promise, and don’t let [insert name] be overcome by evil.
May our FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
Day 5
Prayer | Spiritual Growth
As children we desired to grow up immediately; putting on clothes far too big or imagining how being a dad or mum will be like.
Just like we have a desire to grow up physically, God also has a desire for us to grow spiritually. That we would move from what the bible describes as infant stages, milk, into meat. Understanding the word of God and leading other people into Truth.
True believer growth usually involves:
(1) an increasing awareness of our sins, failures and the call to REPENTACE.
For instance, one should feel guilty not reading the word of God daily.
Paul in writing to Timothy [1 Timothy 1:15] characterized himself as the “chief” of sinners, using the present tense. That awareness made the grace of Christ Jesus, Yahusha appear.
(2) a growing reliance on the forgiving love of God in the atonement of Christ Jesus our Lord.
(3) a growing amazement at the covenant faithfulness of God the FATHER.
(4) grow in the hope of God, and grounded in God’s Promises for the future.
Now, growing such faith will produce the present fruits of a true believer virtues: humility and godliness; love for God, and thy neighbour; a greater appreciation of spiritual things and a corresponding less preoccupation with worldly or material things.
Spend this 5th day of fasting to meditate on all areas; we need to grow spiritually and, ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for us in prayer.
Prayer [Colossians 2:6-7]
Oh Father YHWH, help [insert name] to grow from milk to meat, infancy to maturity, and that you would add or take away anything that would inhibit [insert name] spiritual growth. [insert name] has accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, to live in union with HIM.
[insert name] will keep rooted deep in Christ Jesus, and build life on Him, and become stronger in faith, with your WORD daily.
And let [insert name] be filled with thanksgiving.
May our FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
Day 6
Prayer | God’s divine Favour | Opportunities | Financial Resources
Remember that it is the Lord your God YHWH who gives you the power to become rich. He does this because he is still faithful today… [Deuteronomy 8:18 GNT]. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you [Matthew 6:33].
We serve a good God who has incredible plans for us. In fact, the bible says that He came to give us life, and a better life then we ever dreamed of [John 10:10].
We have to be confident that as a child of God we have access to His divine favour and blessings. Even when our bank accounts or opportunities try and tell us otherwise; we have to remain confident in God’s ability not for us just to survive, but to thrive in all areas of our lives.
Prayer [Proverbs 3:2]
Oh God YHWH, you are the source of everything for [insert name]. [insert name] will give you thanks for Your continued blessings and provision in life. Help [insert name] to follow your teachings so to have a long and prosperous life.
[insert name] ask for your blessings over finances and to open doors to divine opportunities in Christ Jesus, Yahusha name.
May your FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
It is well
Day 7
Prayer | Salvation for the Lost | Discipleship
Christ Jesus, Yahusha said “people cannot come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me; and I will raise them to life on the last day [John 6:44 GNT]
Salvation is at the top of God’s agenda. That is why Christ Jesus came and died on the cross, to take away the sins of the world, restore relationships and secure eternity.
We all know someone that is needing to give their life over to Christ Jesus.
Don’t stop praying and believing that they would hear and encounter the love of God and that He would use you in a profound way to reach the lost.
My sheep hear My voice. I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life! They will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand [John 10:27-28].
Keep showing the LOVE of God dwelling in you, and they may hear that voice of Christ Jesus and follow Him.
Write down all the names of these closest people and pray for them on this seventh and final day of fasting.
Prayer [Matthew 24:14]
Oh God the Father YHWH, [insert your name] pray for [insert their name(s)] that, they would have a revelation of Your plan for their life and ultimately they would come to know You. Oh Holy Spirit take more of [insert your name] and give more of YOU to [insert your name] to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom as a testimony to many people. Use [insert your name] Lord to see many people come to know You.
May our FAITH bear fruits worthy of REPENTANCE.
It is well