
I thank Jesus Christ  for helping me pass an exam after 3 attempts, every time I went to write this module my eyes would suddenly start hurting me; but after prayer with Servant of God, Raphael Rabbi I went in and out of the exam room without my eyes hurting and I passed the exam this year in March 2024. 

I have been struggling to pass this particular module; my eyes would begin to hurt me badly, and this will affect my concentration; I begin to feel too much light going into my eyes. This condition started in 2019 but I could write other exams with no problem but the first time I wrote this particular module in November 2021 my eyes started hurting out of no where.

I tried to rewrite this exam the second time last year in July 2023, but I had the same problem again, and I failed. I just miss by a mark to pass. This was very frustrating and difficult for me to accept. 

I tried to get help from an optician and was given prescription glasses last year, August 2024.

This setback affected me academically and brought a big blow to my confidence. I would study very hard but end up with failure. 

I have been following Invisible War Army since last year when I came across it on Facebook. 

I was opportune for two prayer sessions after sending my prayer request on the Invisible War Army Website  with servant of God Raphael Rabbi; initially on the 28th of Jan 2024 and then joined another session on the 11th of February 2024.

During both prayer sessions, I felt some kind of cold sensation like I was being separated from something. I had sensations in my arms and legs.  I also had sensations in my eyes during the first session of prayer, though I did not mention this eye problem to the servant of God; but I  remember Man of God telling me to remove my glasses as he kept on praying for holy spirit fire into my eyes; I don’t remember most part of the prayer sessions afterward.

I thank God for using this medium of Invisible War Army to deliver me and helping me pass this module I have been struggling with.

I believe God has bigger plans for me and would like everyone to have faith in God; His time is always perfect. 

Thank you, Lord, for remembering me.


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