
Hello my name is Peter Dansa from Malawi. I’m now 20 years old and I have been indulging myself into masturbation since 2017 when I was 14yrs old. This has affected my spiritual life in many ways to the point that I couldn’t even go to church at times. This was because I felt a lot of guilt in my heart and Every time after masturbating I would have problems.  All these years I have tried to stop but I would only last for a week and then the following week I would go back to it again.

I tried finding help from friends and they would advise me to get a girlfriend but this never worked since I saw masturbation as something better as compared to having a girlfriend. This made me to live a secluded lifestyle where I couldn’t associate with people of the opposite sex(girls).

But this all changed when I saw a post by Invisible War Army on Facebook stating “Is masturbation a sin”. This grabbed my attention to the extent that I had to do an insight by reading the scripture that was given. After that I decided to get the contact number of this ministry so that I can be assisted. I contacted Raphael Rabbi on WhatsApp and when I asked him about how to deal with addiction he told me to join the seven day fasting which commenced on 11 May 2023 and I  did with faith .

When the fasting ended I didn’t just want to come forward and state that I was delivered since I wasn’t sure yet. So I decided to wait and see but since the end of the fasting and prayer session; I haven’t had any desire, urge or thought of masturbating and I thank God that I have been healed from the spirit of lust.

Now that I’m delivered I want to focus on rebuilding my spiritual life and relationship with God.

Thank you Lord for using your servant Mr Raphael Rabbi to bring a turning point in my life 🙏 .

To God we give ALL the Glory.

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