
My name is Stanley Gbakorun Aondowase from Nigeria. I was struggling with the spirit of lust for 9 years.

I tried everything to stop, but I always find myself going back to watching pornography and indulging in masturbation even though I am married. The longest I could control myself to stop was about 3 days; then I would begin to feel like a force is taking me back to doing this again. I have fasted and prayed so many times over the years but to no avail; I have begun to feel God does not listen to my prayers anymore because of these bad habits. This also made me feel guilty about coming closer to God. I could no longer pray and read my bible like I usually do.   

All areas of my life were affected. I had no affection for my wife. My marriage was facing so many problems, including many miscarriages; my career was at a standstill, I was not getting paid at work for almost one year and six months; my mother was seriously sick and was admitted at the hospital at the time.

My whole life changed on the day I came across Invisible War Army on FaceBook and YouTube. I was touched by the many deliverance’ videos and testimonies I saw on the page; so, I sent my prayer request on the 26th August 2023 for prayer with the servant of God, Raphael Rabbi. 

By the grace of God Almighty, I stand to testify the goodness the Lord has done in my life after the prayers with the servant of God, Raphael Rabbi; I am completely out of this bondage of lust which has held my life back for almost a decade. The urge to watch pornography and masturbation has stopped! Before, I could not even last for few days without going back to it. I don’t even think about it anymore, and it has been months now. I was also paid by my employer on the 31st August 2023 all the money owed the past year and half. I was very surprised how this happened so quickly. My mother was also discharged from hospital a week later after prayers, very strong and healthy now; whatever the enemy wanted to do has failed in Jesus Christ’s name. The greatest miracle is that my marriage is now restored, and I now have affection for my wife, we are also expecting a baby and I believe that spirit of miscarriage has been defeated.

My advice to all believers around the world reading my testimony is that, with God all things are possible, don’t run away from God and feel guilty of any sins, but come to HIM, He is faithful and merciful and will forgive all your sins, deliver  you and bless you.

I also pray that the Holy Spirit continues to strengthen me to do the will of God and also follow HIM (Jesus) all the days of my life.

Finally, I want to use this medium to say thank You, Jesus Christ! Thank you, Raphael Rabbi, and, I thank this ministry Invisible War Army for making themselves available to be used by God. The Bible says whosoever the Son set free is indeed free. I know and believe that me, my marriage and entire family are free.


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