
My name is Baraka Masiaga from Tanzania 

After graduating from university as an electrical engineer, I have faced so many disappointments in getting a job. I have been to interviews after interviews and don’t get any responses. I sometimes get told I did very well in the job interview, but still, I don’t get the job. 

All my friends from university were getting jobs. And I knew, I needed God’s intervention. 

I have been seeing many testimonies on Invisible War Army WhatsApp messages and decided to reach out with faith in the evening of Thursday the 2nd August, 2023; for man of God Raphael Rabbi to pray for me; I visited the website and completed a prayer request. 

After a couple of hours, I received a message from the Invisible War Army Team that “my prayer request has been forwarded to the man of God, and I should prepare for the move of God in my life”.

Raphael Rabbi, contacted me directly and he said , *”I hear a phone  calling”*; God has answered prayer. But I should make sure I do the 3 days Water ONLY fasting and prayer that was begining the next day; Good is not enough, but the best is yet to come in Christ Jésus name.” 

People of God, the next day, the 3rd of August, 2023 at 11:42 am in the morning; I have not even started the fasting that evening at sundown as instructed by man of God Raphael Rabbi; I was offered a job I attended interview for weeks  ago and I was not getting any response despite numerous follow ups. I started my new job on Monday the 7th August 2023.

Indeed, the God of Raphael Rabbi is real. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is alive. 

Everyone, please join me to thank Jesus Christ first of all for remembering me. Also, thank Raphael Rabbi and the Invisible War Army Team to allow themselves to be used by God, to change the lives of many people mightily.


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