
Our sister from Zambia who wants to remain anonymous has been suffering with depression for two years;. This is her testimony…

Mental health for stress, anxiety and depression took control over my life; which made me think and doubt about my future. I felt there was no way out of this and life was no longer worthwhile after trying so many ways to keep mentally strong.

I thank God for coming across Invisible War Army Facebook page. After reading many of the posts, I was inspired so decided to subscribed to receiving daily WhatsApp encouragement; gospel messages from Raphael Rabbi and the Invisible War Army Team.

After few weeks; I can testify and thank God Almighty for what He has done upon my life. I am no longer depressed. This platform has helped me a lot.

I Thank you Raphael Rabbi for allowing God to use him to make such an impact in my life by sharing the word of God to many including me. Everything he shared on this platform really helped me a lot. I am now a new person today because of the Grace which is upon his life.

I am now positive, empowered and can see clearly with no fears about my future; because Jesus Christ is with me no matter what.

We love you so much Sir; May God add more and more years upon your life for us!!

Thank you Jesus Christ!

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