
My name is Samson Omodo, and I am from Uganda. I am 26 years old.

I am here to share my testimony of what the Lord God has done for me. And my sincere appreciation to the Invisible War Army Team. 

I’ve been facing life problems, which include addiction to drugs and sexual immorality (masturbation, watching pornography, interacting with prostitutes), and suffering with childhood trauma, which has been holding me back.

My education was also affected – this came to a halt since the year 2019 at senior level six.

Finances faced so many disappointments- I have been working for many people, yet they only pay me partially, and most of the time, I receive no payment at all.

Also, I’ve been facing so many difficulties, including family relationship breakdown. The worst of it is that whenever I get stressed, sad, emotional or have anxiety, I end up masturbating as the way to make me forget about everything going on in my life. I was addicted to the extent, masturbate several times a day.

Though I tried to stop so many times, I couldn’t make even two days, then I went back to it worse than before. Until one faithful day, I came across a post on Facebook, with the phrases “IS MASTURBATION A SIN.” This grabbed my attention, so I clicked on joining the WhatsApp community.

I started getting daily messages of  encouragement and saw so many testimonies and videos of other people being saved from the bondage of sexual immorality.

On the 3rd April 2024, I happened to send my prayer request. Then, later, I received a message from the Invisible War Army Team, I was scheduled for an interactive prayer on WhatsApp video with man of God Raphael Rabbi on 9th April 2024.

Due to technical problems on  the day , my phone wasn’t in good condition at all, and with poor internet connection, the man of God had difficulties reaching me.

But the servant of God, Raphael Rabbi, said if only I am able to hear his voice, I will receive my healing today! He does not need to hear me.

People of God,  The Man of God started praying for me and all I could remember is that, I felt heat all over my body and, when I came back to my consciousness I found out that, I have vomited all over the floor in my room.

On that day, after the prayer, I felt so weak; and  my stomach felt like it had been cut into pieces with a knife. 

I give thanks to the Almighty God, the Invisible War Army Team, and  for servant of God, Raphael Rabbi to allowing himself be used by God to deliver me from the power of these demons of masturbation  that had dominated my life for so long.

Since that day, man of God Raphael Rabbi, prayed for me, I feel so strong to resist the spirit of masturbation. And I don’t have any urge at all. This has never happened for almost 5 years since I got into this addiction. I also feel confident in myself and am planning to return to my education.

Thank you, Jesus Christ, for setting me free.

May the Lord God continue blessing the Invisible War Army Team and the servant of God Raphael Rabbi for this great work he is doing for many believers around the world 

Amen 🙏

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